I’ve been thinking about a chop for a while, and god I love bangs. I had bangs once several years ago but never had the nerve to wear them curly.
Now that I’m older, wiser, and have embraced my curls (it’s a lifelong journey ya’ll), I’ve decided to make the classic Tara Borman move: say “fuck it”, and then proceed to do something impulsive and ballsy.
Because life can be boring sometimes and I thoroughly enjoy shaking things up.
Of course I reached out to my sister and my BFF for advice on the haircut I was longing for. I honestly received mixed reviews. But both were very VERY clear that I should NOT attempt to chop them myself. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
The thing about me is – I will often ask for advice, but what I usually need is just support. Because once I set my mind on something, I oftentimes will just do it anyways.
I’ve gotta get used to styling it, but here you go! I did it. And the exhilaration I felt afterwards continues on, and if only to capture that feeling – I am very glad I did it. So there.