My little sister is pregnant.
My baby sister is PREG-NANT. She is growing a HU-MAN BE-ING inside of her BO-DY.

Can you tell I am still wrapping my mind around this concept? I am the oldest of 3. My baby sister, Taylor, is married to a wonderful person, and is two short months away from being an actual mother. Of a human boy. The pride and love and admiration that I have for my baby sister is unbelievable. It is overwhelming.
I just returned from visiting Taylor and her wonderful person Nick at their Colorado townhome to help them throw their baby shower. I took ZERO pictures because of… a lot of reasons… but mostly just because I was too caught up in the moment, which is something I will not apologize for. I had an incredible and exhausting weekend celebrating my sister and her beautiful family.
We set up an art station on her patio with white onesies and bibs and lots of fabric pens and stencils. There was a crisis the evening before the event when we realized the card table that was to be used was no longer in their garage…ack! We all put our heads together and made the decision to use a leftover piece of cardboard on top of their small, metal patio table as well as the hideous large plastic tablecloth we hadn’t found a use for yet. It turned out beautifully. We hung up string across the patio light all the way over to the gutter with the help of my baby brother’s fiance Katie Jean (she has long limbs) we attached clips to hang the finished onesies and bibs.

We blew up many balloons with help from a helium tank and also Sarah Cooke’s impressive “trombone lungs”. And yes, after the party you could find me in the garage drinking champagne, inhaling helium and belting out “No I don’t want no scrubs a scrub is a guy that can’t get no love from me…”.

I made a directional sign to be put outside and could not BELIEVE how terrible it turned out. I’m not sure if they ended up using it. I hope they didn’t. My mother had just finished bragging about how good I am at lettering and then I turned out the wimpiest, most uneven sign you’ve ever seen. It was hilarious.
We set up a door-sized chalkboard to draw and write on, as well as a glass vase with tiffany blue construction paper cut into pieces with the suggestion of “give the new family of three advice” or something like that. There was a photo station with a tinsel wall that would’ve been both silver and blue but ended up just being blue due to some tape issues (I “rooned it”!!!) And although the tinsel wall was a disaster, I did decide to use the high-chair that my father had gifted them as a makeshift photo table, and got many compliments on it.
There was corn-hole in the garage, lots of food (including voodoo donuts!! – I still regret not claiming the “simpsons” pink sprinkle donut for myself). Lots of drinks —oh god do I love champagne. It was truly a wonderful time.

The next time I see Taylor, I will also be seeing little Liam. Next time I am there, he will be outside of her body and I will meet him for the very first time. My nephew. Who I already love so much!! I am already browsing flights for this trip, and I cannot WAIT!