And Midsommar,
and Below Deck, and Gossip Girl,
and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and…
I swear I’ve seen everything there is to see.
As a Taurus-y Taurus, I do love a good “lounge”. A good “potato sesh”. I have carved out a nice, deep, cozy spot on my couch that fits my booty PERFECT-LY. I read, and I watch. And I read and I watch. It brings me joy. It relaxes me. It inspires me. And Happy loves it too because we get to snuggle.

I am not joking when I tell you that I watch at least one of the many Twilight and Harry Potter films every weekend. And I mean EV-ERY WEEKEND.
Ranking the Twilight movies from best to worst:
- 1. Breaking Dawn (part one):
- This movie has it all. A wedding, an inter-species pregnancy, a creepy (haunts my dreams) computer-generated baby (see pic below), a near-death experience, a cliff-hanger. *We are tingling with anticipation thinking about what Bella will be like as a VAMPIRE!*

- 2. New Moon
- Omg hot Jacob. Although…Sorry but #teamedward all the way. Also – I think this one has the best music.
- 3. Twilight (the orig)
- I mean – You can’t beat the classic original movie. The blue, overcast tint on everything, the music, the mood. It really sets you up on an epic journey. #teamedward
- 4. Breaking Dawn (part two)
- That “fake-out” ending though. Got me. Still gets me. Every time. 😧
- 5. Eclipse
- Oh GOD! The MAKEUP in this one is just SO distracting. And Bella’s obvious wig?? Jeez. Really gets in the way of the fantasy. Not much else to say. They’re all kind of bad, but they’re also all kind of great.
Currently I’m watching “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince”, which is probably one of my favorites lately. I can’t really rank the Harry Potters from “best to worst” because NONE of them are worst. HP is such a huge part of my life lol. #millenial. I go through waves of which movies really hit the spot. I still love “Sorcerer’s Stone” but honestly, my recent faves have been “Half Blood Prince” and “Order of the Phoenix”. These films are right smack-dab in the middle of all the action and I LOVE IT.
What are your “comfy” movies? Are you a loon like me and watch certain films over and over and over again? Lemme know.